Well, goodness gracious and my stars, that is an unprecedented period of seemingly silent reflection.
I have been busy and will talk about all of that soon. And have been sorting thoughts in addition to all else. Which has made me uncharacteristically quiet.
For the moment, I want to mention the sky. The same sky that is above all of us, but which has become very much more noticeable to me. And maybe it is not the sky so much as it is the surprises of light, the immense variety that must always be there, independent of our human attention.
Though I am not particularly remote, some things are very different where I live, for example, no street lights and no 24 hour city lights. Just the vast sky and it's constantly shifting light show.
Here are some of the views... mostly to the south or to the east, fairly similar vantage points, yet always looks different.
People ask if I feel isolated in the country. No, I most definitely feel more connected in ways that I have not had time to think about before. If I feel insignificant, that might be because I've never before looked up so often or for so long.