Today, I emptied my bassoon case cover... I had noticed earlier that while my bassoon in it's little Gewa case is light, it becomes heavy when I zip it into the black padded backpack cover.
All became clear when I emptied the pockets and corners. I discovered many tokens from the people I've loved most in my life... notes from my son, small gifts and notes from colleagues, photos of treasured students & recording sessions with beloved colleagues, a loving note from Sol Schoenbach from when I sent him a recording of one of my first professional solo concerts.
Some of these things still bring a smile and forward-feeling hope, a blessing for a lifetime.
Others twist me with a small, still sadness that comes from awareness of misplaced hope and trust, a momento mori.
Then I remembered that the choice is always mine. I gently removed the things that hurt and weigh on my mind. I left the things that are alive and lift me on my path.
In this case, it's just that simple.
Love to all,