Wednesday, April 20, 2011

AFTER HOURS - Release date June 1, 2011

AFTER HOURS, my mini recital disc with Guy Few is here!  The official release of this short CD (38 minutes) is June 1, 2011.

We recorded this on December 14, 2009,  the day after my computer and all of my personal ID had been stolen.  Then the licensing proved to be very challenging and took considerable sleuthing to get finally get full approval.  In between, I got divorced, renovated and sold our Victorian family home, moved twice, bought a new house, finished other recording projects, etc etc.

And now it is here!  A wonderful souvenir of some of the favourite tunes from our first Canadian/US tours in 2009/10, music that runs the gamut from sultry, passionate, light and frivolous.  The cover looks beautiful, printed in Toronto by Accudub.  You will be able to buy it on my website through PayPal once we get the buttons up.

BRAUN 24 SOLOS almost ready

In March, I went to Berkley to finish the editing for the Braun Solos.  It is always best to sit with my engineer in the final stages and not only because his speakers are a million times better than my truck speakers!

The finished masters arrived this week and we are finalizing the cover art.  I cannot find any substantial information about the composer, Jean-Daniel Braun but there must be something somewhere!

This CD will be released in the fall of 2011 --- meanwhile, here are two Fantasias and a Menetto uploaded from the disc.