Today, I got up at 6:30 a.m. to make breakfast for myself, my elderly Dad, my son, and Diva the Cat. I also made lunches and enough food to get me through a day of driving to compass points in the city. I drove my son to school through thick traffic, finding an unexpected shortcut and delivering him at exactly the very last possible moment. Then my Dad and I attended an hour long house inspection for my new abode and I fielded several calls from people wanting to offer me mortgages. I contacted designers, painters and movers. I cancelled my single student for the day, feeling it more important to secure financing for the new house (sorry darling!). Then I took my brave old Dad to lunch, then returned home to pick up my son's choir music that he had forgotten in the morning. Then I checked the memos from the choir and realized that today was a photo shoot for the chorus, so I went back and got my son's suit bag but realized that he lacked black socks and dress shoes. I raced across town to pick him up at school, then we went to his Dad's house and hunted for socks. The we got in the truck and drove north, stopping at 4 stores looking for dress shoes, found some, and arrived exactly on the hour of the rehearsal. We learned that the photo shoot was postponed until October 23 ---great, so we are ahead of the game! Then I sped back south and arrived just in time for my workout session with my trainer, then called my manager and arranged newest publicity and a programming meeting. Drove back up north in the oily dark sheeting rain and parade of red tail lights, found a parking spot and ate my supper in the truck (so much for the new truck smell!) then fetched my son. We stopped to buy beer for my Dad who needed a reward after a day of sitting in my truck (he said it was fun but he needed a beer)... the store was closing but the kind lady waved me in and locked the door behind me. I loved her for that. Then home and Dad heated his own supper while I tried to help my son screw the motherboard into the computer he is building. We failed and got a little sad. Dad took apart another server and it might work for the motherboard but my son decided to crash after a long day. Dad came downstairs to see if he could help clean up, but I was desperate to practise after a long day with not music and sent him to bed (sorry Dad!). So I will play for another hour then go to bed and get up at 6 to start all over again. Teaching from morning to evening in two cities, ear glued to the cell phone between times, fetching my son and trying to spend time with my Dad. Sometime this week, I must finish the editing for our recital CD, plan the release of my solo CD and finalize the recording sessions for the Canadian Conceri CDs... the time must be found in corners and behind other seemingly solid obstacles.